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 Kategorie : Taskpane  
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dFPUG Community Taskpane
Die neue dFPUG-Community Taskpane bietet interaktiven Zugriff auf eNewsletter, Forumsnews, Forumsnachrichten, LiveFAQ, TopNachrichtenschreiber sowie diverse Links auf Webseiten und Portalverzeichnisse bzw. Kategorien und Mailadressen für VFP-Entwickler.
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Geändert: 07.08.2012 Autor: Sven Wilke
dFPUG Community Taskpane
dFPUG Community Taskpane - The new free dFPUG (FoxPro Usergroup of German language) Community Taskpane offers 10 different sections with static and live content (messages, news, enewsletter, wiki, various links). Last updated: 2004-09-22
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Geändert: 25.09.2007 Autor: Sven Wilke, Rainer Becker
dFPUG Taskpane
dFPUG Taskpane - A little task pane from the German-speaking FoxPro User Group dFPUG for Visual FoxPro 8.0 with links to all of the important dFPUG services as well as further resources and the contact mail address. To install the new task pane, choose "Tools/TaskPane" from your FoxPro main menu and import the XML file via 'Options/Task Pane Manager/Customize /Install Pane'. Last updated: 2003-06-20
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Geändert: 25.09.2007 Autor: Sven Wilke
Fix for UT News task pane
Fix for UT News task pane - After VFP8 shipped, the UT task pane must have broken (or it never worked right, not sure) This will fix it. Just install right over the top. To install the new task pane, choose "Tools/TaskPane" from your FoxPro main menu and import the XML file via 'Options/Task Pane Manager/Customize /Install Pane'. Last updated: 2003-07-03
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Geändert: 25.09.2007 Autor: Randy Jean
Foxite Taskpane
Foxite Taskpane - Want to add the foxite site to your taskpane? Download this file and follow the instructions in the readme file Last updated: 2003-09-20
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Geändert: 25.09.2007 Autor: Eric den Doop
INETA RSS Speaker Schedule
INETA RSS Speaker Schedule - Upcoming speaking engagements with members of the INETA Speakers Bureau. (For personal and non-commercial use only.) Last updated: 2005-03-19
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Geändert: 25.09.2007 Autor: Ronald Ramirez Moran
MSDN RSS Feed - A modification of Garrett Fitzgeralds slashpane to work with the MSDNs RSS feed Last updated: 2003-09-08
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Geändert: 25.09.2007 Autor: Michael Henstock
MSDN WebCast - Teil 08 Arbeiten mit Werkzeugen
In diesem Webcast stellen wir Ihnen einige der umfangreichen und leistungsfähigen Werkzeuge von Visual FoxPro vor. In der neuen Version hinzugekommene oder erweiterte Werkzeuge wie zum Beispiel den Klassenbrowser und die Taskpane oder auch bereits bekannte leistungsfähige Werkzeuge wie die Taskliste, die Codereferenz und weitere Tools.
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Rainer Becker
ProFox Archives
ProFox Archives - This taskpane allows you to search the ProFox archives by content, subject or author. Requires that the standard ActiveX controls that are distributed with VFP are installed on your machine. Last updated: 2003-03-07
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Geändert: 25.09.2007 Autor: Ed Leafe
SlashPane - Slashpane uses the XML feed from to create an HTML view of the site within the Task Pane. For more details, see Last updated: 2004-09-28
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Geändert: 25.09.2007 Autor: Garrett Fitzgerald
TaskPane Central Community News
TaskPane Central Community News - This isn't a separate pane, but adds itself to the Community Pane, allowing you to see the latest files available on TaskPane Central. Updated to include the 'TPC' icon - see the ReadMe file for instructions Last updated: 2003-09-13
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Geändert: 25.09.2007 Autor: Ed Leafe
Thayer's FoxPro World
Thayer's FoxPro World - This Task Pane allows you to access all the functionality of Thayer's FoxPro World from within the task pane. This pane simply accesses the site through Microsoft's ActiveX Web Browser control so you will need to have it available. It installs through the task pane installer and creates all files in thye pancache. Please feel free to comment on ideas or enhancements. Last updated: 2003-03-09
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Geändert: 25.09.2007 Autor: Thomas S. Thayer
VFP RSS feed
VFP RSS feed - A slight modification to the MSDN RSS Feed - itself a modification of Garrett Fitzgeralds slashpane to work with the MSDNs RSS feed by Michael Henstock - to get the new VFP RSS feed. Last updated: 2003-10-17
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Geändert: 25.09.2007 Autor: Stuart Dunkeld
VFX 8.0 project taskpane
VFX 8.0 project taskpane - The application manager of Visual Extend 8.0 was replaced by a taskpane a year ago. This taskpane will not work without VFX 30 days free trial version beeing installed. This upload makes download/installation unnecessary if you just want to have a look at the taskpane. Last updated: 2004-10-04
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Geändert: 25.09.2007 Autor: Uwe Habermann
VFX 9.0 Project Task Pane
VFX 9.0 Project Task Pane - The application manager of the framework Visual Extend 9.0 is included in a task pane. This task pane opens projects, creates new projects, lets you make backups, and more. It gives you direct access to online information about VFX. This task pane will not work without VFX 30 days free trial version being installed. Last updated: 2005-06-03
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Geändert: 25.09.2007 Autor: Venelina Jordanova, Uwe Habermann
VFX Community Taskpane
Die umfangreiche VFX Community Taskpane bietet interaktiven Zugriff auf die VFX-Bereiche im dFPUG-eNewsletter und im dFPUG-Forum mitsamt TopSchreiberlisten und jede Menge Links auf Webseiten und Portalverzeichnisse.
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Geändert: 09.11.2010 Autor: Sven Wilke
VFX Community Taskpane
VFX Community Taskpane - The new free VFX (Framework Visual Extend) Community Taskpane offers 8 different sections with static and live content (messages, enewsletter, top writers, various links). Last updated: 2004-10-14
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Geändert: 25.09.2007 Autor: Sven Wilke, Rainer Becker
Visual FoxPro 8.0 IDE Deutsche Community Taskpane
Aktualisierte Version der deutschen dFPUG-Community-Taskpane für Visual FoxPro 8.0 mit Abschnitten für Homepage, Portal, eNewsletter, Resourcen, Visual Extend und Kontaktinformationen. Im Taskpane-Manager unter Options - Task Pane Manager - Customize - Install Pane einfach hinzufügen. Erste Version 16.12.2003. Stand 22.1.2005.
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Geändert: 28.01.2011 Autor: Sven Wilke
Visual FoxPro 8.0 VFX Taskpane
Taskpane für Visual Extend 8.0 für Visual FoxPro 8.0 mit/ohne Servicepack, Stand 12.11.2003.
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Geändert: 19.02.2006 Autor: Sven Wilke
Visual FoxPro 9.0 VFX 10.0 Community Taskpane
VFX Community Taskpane (zusätzlich zur VFX-Taskpane) mit einer Vielzahl von Sektionen für Visual Extend 10.0 unter Visual FoxPro 9.0 SP1 oder SP2.
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Geändert: 31.01.2012 Autor: Administrator
Visual FoxPro 9.0 VFX 12.0 Community Taskpane
VFX Community Taskpane (zusätzlich zur VFX-Taskpane) mit einer Vielzahl von Sektionen für Visual Extend 12.0 unter Visual FoxPro 9.0 SP2
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Geändert: 28.01.2011 Autor: Sven Wilke
Visual FoxPro 9.0 VFX 9.0 Taskpane
Taskpane für Visual Extend 9.0 und höher für Visual FoxPro 9.0 mit/ohne Servicepack, Stand 10.10.2005.
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Geändert: 31.01.2012 Autor: Sven Wilke
WebCasts zu Visual FoxPro 9.0
Eine Serie von deutschen WebCasts wurden zwischen der dFPUG und Microsoft Deutschland vereinbart. Im Schnitt alle zwei Wochen findet eine entsprechende Übertragung mit einer Dauer von knapp einer Stunde statt. Hier die Übersicht über die gesamte Serie von Webcasts mit den Einzelbeschreibungen.
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Rainer Becker
Windows Media Music Pane (
Windows Media Music Pane - Here's a music player class, based on the base pane class, which contains the windows media player and a listbox displaying all the tracks in the windows media library on your computer. This allows you to play music right in the Task Pane, and that's one more reason to never leave good ol' VFP. Last updated: 2003-03-10
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Geändert: 25.09.2007 Autor: Dan Sprague