Kategorie : Chuck Urwiler
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Client-Server Entwicklung mit Visual FoxPro
03-13 ClientServer-Entwicklung mit Visual FoxPro - Kapitel 2.doc
In diesem Buchauszug bricht der Autor Gary de Witt eine richtig tolle Lanze für Visual FoxPro als Client/Server-Entwicklungsumgebung und liefert detaillierte Argumente für die seines Erachtens sechs wichtigsten Vorteile von Visual FoxPro gegenüber anderen Entwicklungssystemen.
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Gary de Witt
Extending Remote Views with SQL Pass Through
ClientServer Apps with VFP and SQL Server Chapter 06.pdf
Sample Chapter 06 ClientServer Apps with VFP and SQL Server: As you learned in Chapter 4, remote views make it very easy to access remote data. Remote views are actually wrappers for SQL pass through, handling the tasks of managing connections, detecting changes, formatting UPDATE commands and submitting them to the server. In this chapter, we’re going to take an in-depth look at SQL pass through. We’ll see how to connect to the server, submit queries, manage transactions and more.
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Urwiler, DeWitt
Visual FoxPro for Client/Server Development
ClientServer Apps with VFP and SQL Server Chapter 02.pdf
Sample Chapter 02 ClientServer Apps with VFP and SQL Server: After reading Chapter 1, you should have a good understanding of what makes client/server databases different and why you might want to use them. But the $64,000 question is: Why would you use Visual FoxPro to develop your client/server applications? This chapter will answer that question for you, the developer, and provide answers that you can give if your clients ask this question.
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Urwiler, DeWitt