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 Kategorie : ActiveX  
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ActiveX Controls and Visual FoxPro 5.0
Active X Controls and Visual FoxPro 5.doc
ActiveX controls provide additional functionality to a Microsoft Visual FoxPro application. Visual FoxPro includes a set of ActiveX controls (.OCX files) you can add to and distribute with your applications. ActiveX controls are added to a form in an application by using the Visual FoxPro OLE Container control.
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Microsoft Corp.
Advanced Visual FoxPro Automation Servers
Advanced Visual FoxPro Automation Servers.doc
In this session you will learn about ActiveX Automation servers (also known as ActiveX Server Components). You will see not only how to use ActiveX Automation servers from within Visual FoxPro, but also how to use Visual FoxPro as an Automation server and how to build your own customer Automation servers with Visual FoxPro.
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Randy Brown
Ansteuerung von Treeview unter Visual FoxPro
Einführung in die Ansteuerung von Treeview-Controls sowie der Darstellung einer Meta-datengesteuerten Treeview-Klasse unter Microsoft Visual FoxPro
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Rainer Becker
Arbeiten mit ActiveX-Controls in Visual FoxPro
Einführung in die Verwendung und die Einbindung von ActiveX-Controls und der Darstellung der dabei möglicherweise entstehenden Probleme unter Microsoft Visual FoxPro.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Rainer Becker
Creating and Managing COM Components
Visual FoxPro Certification Exam Study Guide Chapter 06.pdf
Sample Chapter 6 of Visual FoxPro Certification Exam Study Guide: Microsoft’s Component Object Model (COM) is one of those technologies that simply makes sense. It is a natural fit for object-oriented development and n-tier design. COM allows you to make your VFP objects available to other software and programming environments, thus making a flexible technology for business components in the middle tier. We will show how to build COM components, the different types of COM components available, how to register them, and how to manage them with the Component Gallery. As well, we will touch on error-handling issues with COM and special considerations when using COM and Microsoft Transaction Server.
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Geändert: 27.04.2003 Autor: Winegarden, Delay
Custom OLE Servers
Custom OLE Servers.doc
An application that can be an OLE Automation Server multiplies its usefulness to the modern computer environment. A stand-alone application like Microsoft Excel has many graphing, mathematical, statistical, and financial functions. Other applications can take advantage of these functions simply by programmatically calling Microsoft Excel. The end user of the app doesn't even need to know that Microsoft Excel is being used.
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Calvin Hsia
DDE- und OLE-Funktionen und Einsatz als OLE-Server von Visual FoxPro
Einführung in die Ansteuerung von anderen Anwendungen wie WinWord, Excel, Project, Outlook via OLE-Automation aus Microsoft Visual Foxpro.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Rainer Becker
Ein klassischer VFP-Bericht automatisiert die Ausgabe von WinWord
06-05 Ein klassischer VFP-Bericht.doc
Der nächste Teil dieser Artikelserie von Lisa Slater Nicholls verfeinert die Ansteuerung von WinWord um weitere Funktionalitäten verschiedene Visual FoxPro-Versionen.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Lisa Slater Nicholls
For Better Functionality, Pave the Way with OLE
For better Functionality Pave the Way with OLE.doc
Instead of forcing FoxPro to be all things to all people, use Object Linking and Embedding to get the best out of several different applications.
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Miriam Liskin
Messaging mit OLE Automation
06-03 Messaging mit OLE-Automation.doc
Ein weiteres umfangreiches Anwendungsbeispiel für die MAPI-Ansteuerung durch verschiedene Visual FoxPro-Versionen, in diesem Fall für den Versand von Faxen, gibt Lisa Slater Nicholls in diesem Artikel.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Lisa Slater Nicholls
OLE-Automation mit Microsoft Excel und Microsoft Word
Fuchs 9801 - OLE-Automation mit Microsoft Excel und Microsoft Word.doc
Der vorliegende Artikel beschäftigt sich mit der OLE-Automation mit Visual FoxPro (VFP) als Client und Microsoft Excel Version 5.0 bzw. Microsoft Word Version 6.0 jeweils als OLE-Server.
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Klaus Gerhardt
OLE-Steuerelemente einsetzen am Beispiel von MAPI
06-02 OLE-Steuerelemente am Beispiel MAPI.doc
Anmelden, Registrieren und Einsetzen von OCX-Steuerelementen zeigt Ralf Gladis in seinem Buchauszug. Vielfältige Verwendungsmöglichkeiten ergeben sich durch den Einsatz von OCX-Steuerelementen; zum Beispiel kann man eMail aus seiner eigenen Anwendung mit MAPI versenden.
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Geändert: 18.07.2005 Autor: Ralf Gladis
Subclassing ActiveX Controls in Visual FoxPro 5.0
Subclassing ActiveX Controls in Visual FoxPro.doc
This document is designed as part of a series of demo script documents to assist customers who are evaluating Microsoft® Visual FoxPro 5.0. It can be used by an individual developer learning a new feature in Visual FoxPro 5.0; or as the basis for a demo shown to other developers and software tools evaluators.
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Robert Green
The Office Servers
Microsoft Office Automation with Visual FoxPro Chapter 02.pdf
Sample Chapter 2 of Microsoft Office Automation with Visual FoxPro: Learning about the Office servers is a challenging task, but there are a variety of approaches, tools, and resources available. Certain features of the Office applications, like collections, are common to all of them—mastering them up front will pay off fast.
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Geändert: 27.04.2003 Autor: Tamar Granor
Turn Classes into OLE Automation Servers
Turn Classes into OLE Automation Servers.doc
One of the new features in Visual FoxPro 5.0 is the capability of turning your classes into OLE Automation servers. This article reviews the basic issues involved in creating these automation servers, and looks at why you might want to design your applications to take advantage of this new capability.
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Yair Alan Griver
Unleash the Power of OLE and Best-of-Breed Tools
Unleash the Power of OLE and Best of Breed Tools.doc
Visual FoxPro can tell programs such as Microsoft Word what to do—so you don’t need to build a word processor into your applications.
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Michael P. Antonovich
Using OLE Automation in Visual FoxPro 3.0
Using OLE Automation in Visual FoxPro.doc
Since the introduction of the Microsoft FoxPro database management system for Windows, developers have been able to use OLE technology to embed or link documents from other applications directly into FoxPro tables. Now Visual FoxPro 3.0 goes much further, allowing you to use OLE Automation to add the functionality in Microsoft Office products—such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel—to applications created with FoxPro.
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Paul Bienick
Using the ActiveMovie Control in Visual FoxPro 5.0
Using the ActiveMovie Control in Visual FoxPro.doc
This document is designed as part of a series of demo script documents to assist customers who are evaluating Microsoft® Visual FoxPro 5.0. It can be used by an individual developer learning a new feature in Visual FoxPro 5.0; or as the basis for a demo shown to other developers and software tools evaluators.
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Robert Green
Using the ProgressBar Control in Visual FoxPro 5.0
Using the Progress Bar Control in Visual FoxPro.doc
This document is designed as part of a series of demo script documents to assist customers who are evaluating Microsoft® Visual FoxPro 5.0. It can be used by an individual developer learning a new feature in Visual FoxPro 5.0; or as the basis for a demo shown to other developers and software tools evaluators.
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Robert Green
WinWord für VFP-Berichte automatisieren
06-04 WinWord für VFP.doc
Dieser Artikel von Lisa Slater Nicholls ist die Fortsetzung des vorherigen Artikels mit diesmal einem umfangreichen Anwendungsbeispiel für die WinWord-Ansteuerung durch verschiedene Visual FoxPro-Versionen.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Lisa Slater Nicholls