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Personalia Mike Feltman
11-03-39 Personalia Mike Feltman.pdf
Mike Feltman ist Geschäftsführer und Chefentwickler bei F1 Technologies (früher Neon Software) und Herausgeber des bekannten Frameworks FoxExpress. Viele werden Ihn und seine Frau von der Frankfurter Entwicklerkonferenz kennen, hier weitere Details zu ihm.
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Geändert: 7/9/2004 Autor: Mike Feltman
VFE Business Objects
Creating Visual FoxPro Apps with Visual FoxExpress Chapter 06.pdf
Sample Chapter 06 Creating Visual FoxPro Apps with Visual FoxExpress: The business object is the worker bee of your application. This is the class that models each entity in your application and encapsulates the rules and processes defined by or for that entity. Most of your processing and rules code will be placed into a business object class.
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Geändert: 11/15/2003 Autor: Bob Archer, Dan Jurden
VFE Outputting Data
Creating Visual FoxPro Apps with Visual FoxExpress Chapter 18.pdf
Sample Chapter 18 Creating Visual FoxPro Apps with Visual FoxExpress: The main purpose of most business applications is to collect data and produce information. The most common way of returning the information is in the form of reports. The data might also need to be inserted into a spreadsheet or other format, which would allow further analysis by the user to produce the required information. In this chapter, we’ll take a look at how to accomplish all of this.
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Geändert: 11/15/2003 Autor: Bob Archer, Dan Jurden
Creating Visual FoxPro Apps with Visual FoxExpress Chapter 03.pdf
Sample Chapter 03 Creating Visual FoxPro Apps with Visual FoxExpress: In this chapter, we will take a brief look at the elements of VFE’s Integrated Development Environment. If you think of VFE as consisting of two major pieces — the toolbox and the building materials — the IDE would be the toolbox.
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Geändert: 11/15/2003 Autor: Bob Archer, Dan Jurden