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Multi-User Programming Issues in Visual FoxPro 3.0
Multiuser programming.doc
Visual FoxPro provides a wealth of new capabilities when it comes to handling multi-user contention issues. Let’s take a look at some of the basic approaches used to handle locking in the past, and then discuss what the new capabilities are and how they can b
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Yair Alan Griver
Multi-User Programming Techniques
Multi User Programming Techniques.doc
Developing any application for use in a multi-user environment can be a very tricky operation, particularly if the application is reliant on an underlying database. The users of the system expect it to be robust, easy to use, and perhaps most important, fast. Database application developers are frequently lulled into a false sense of security that multi-user programming is easy. After all, it’s just a simple matter of locking a few records, writing the data, then releasing the locks, right? What could be simpler?
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Erik Svenson
Rezension Legacy Applications
11-02-24 Rezension Legacy Applications.pdf
Unter dem wahnsinnig langen Titel "Painless Legacy FoxPro Applications on Modern Networks" veröffentlicht Hentzenwerke einen weiteren Buchtitel, wenn auch nur als PDF, mit einer detaillierten Anleitung, wie man alte FoxPro-Anwendungen in einer modernen Umgebung zum Laufen bekommt bzw. weiter am Laufen hält.
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Geändert: 21.02.2004 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Sonderheft GPLIB
Das Sonderheft GPLIB mit der Dokumentation zu den Funktionen der umfangreichen Netzwerkbibliothek.
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Andreas Meyer