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 Kategorie : Objektmodell  
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.NET Business Objects
NET for VFP Developers Chapter 08.pdf
Sample Chapter 8 of .NET for VFP Developers: The VFP community has known about the importance of business objects for several years now. They continue to be extremely important in all types of .NET applications including Web Forms, Window Forms, and Web Services. This chapter explains what business objects are, why you should use them, and how to implement them in .NET.
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Geändert: 27.04.2003 Autor: Kevin McNeish
Building Three-Tier Client-Server Business Solutions
Building Three Tier Client Server Business Solutions.doc
Multitier architecture offers a compelling way to develop client-server business solutions. It is technology-neutral and can be implemented on any vendor’s technology that enables standard interfaces for each of the logical levels called “tiers.” With an emphasis on clean interfaces between tiers, the implementation details are hidden from users. The functionality of each tier, called “components,” can be written in many different languages and maintained independently. This capacity allows the developer to use many tools from his or her toolbox to get the job done quickly and correctly. Just as you wouldn’t expect a carpenter to have only a hammer, a developer will not have only a single development tool.
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: G.J. Febish, D.E.Y. Sarna
Business Objekte
Vortrag Business Objekte dFPUG.pdf
Vortrag über "Applikationen mit Zukunft" und der umfangreichen Darstellung des Einsatzes von Geschäftsobjekten in VFP-Anwendungen.
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Geändert: 13.07.2003 Autor: Marcus Alt
Introduction to OOP with Visual FoxPro
The purpose of the paper is to introduce you to the concepts of Object Oriented Programming using Visual FoxPro. This paper is intended as an introduction to Object Oriented Programming for individuals who have some understanding of programming but not necessarily any background in Computer Science or Object Oriented Programming theory. The intent here is to familiarize you with the concepts of Object Oriented Programming to help you understand the object model that is an integral part of the Visual FoxPro
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Microsoft
Praktischer UML Einsatz in den einzelnen Projektphasen
09-08 UML in VFP Projekten.doc
Praktischer UML Einsatz in den einzelnen Projektphasen
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Markus Alt
Subclassing Visual FoxPro Base Classes
Subclassing Visual FoxPro Base Classes.doc
To subclass or not to subclass, that's the question. When, if ever, should you use Visual FoxPro base classes directly in your applications? At DevCon 95 and during the Visual FoxPro beta, the conventional wisdom was that developers should subclass all of Visual FoxPro's base classes. I went with the crowd at first, but then I changed course and used the Visual FoxPro-provided base classes directly. This article is about a bad decision and a learning experience that I want to pass along to the readers of this fine publication. I debated this process all during the beta and finally saw the light I was looking for.
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Richard A. Schummer
The Visual FoxPro Object Model
The Visual FoxPro Object Model.doc
The Visual Foxpro object model is based on a strong foundation of object-oriented principles. User defined classes, protected class members, inheritance, - everything you would expect to find in a robust object model.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Yair Alan Griver
The Visual FoxPro Object Model
The Visual FoxPro Object Model.doc
The Visual Foxpro object model is based on a strong foundation of object-oriented principles. User defined classes, protected class members, inheritance, - everything you would expect to find in a robust object model. The model includes a set of built-in classes that you use as a basis for creating your own classes. These built-in classes are called base classes.
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Yair Alan Griver
Three-Tiered Development
Advanced Object Oriented Programming with VFP Chapter 09.pdf
Sample Chapter 09 Advanced Object Oriented Programming with VFP: Lately there's been a lot of hype about three-tiered development. The main idea is to split applications into different layers—the interface, the business logic and the data back end. Many people tout three-tiered development as the best thing since sliced bread. While it can't cure world hunger, it definitely helps me a great deal in my development efforts.
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Geändert: 15.05.2004 Autor: Markus Egger
Using VFP’s Object-Oriented Tools
Fundamentals Building Visual Studio Apps on a VFP Foundation Chapter 10.pdf
Sample Chapter 10 Fundamentals Building Visual Studio Apps on a VFP Foundation: Next to SQL, the most wonderful feature of Visual FoxPro is its implementation of object-oriented programming. To skip this chapter would be one of the biggest mistakes of your programming life. In this chapter I’m going to show you what object-oriented programming is, with examples that will make sense to you, a database programmer; how VFP’s object-oriented tools work; and how to incorporate them into the forms that you’ve already learned how to build. Finally, I’ll set you up with your own set of baseclasses that you can use to start building real-world applications—today.
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Geändert: 27.04.2003 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Visual FoxPro 6.0 Seminar
Grundlagenworkshop der dFPUG zur Entwicklung von Anwendung mit Visual FoxPro 6.0 incl. Normalisierung der Datenstrukturen und objektorientierter Programmierung
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: James W. Booth
Whats not so obvious
Advanced Object Oriented Programming with VFP Chapter 03.pdf
Sample Chapter 03 from Advanced Object Oriented Programming with VFP: So far we have discussed all major object-oriented concepts and how they are implemented in Visual FoxPro. However, Visual FoxPro supports a couple of features you won't find in other object-oriented languages. This chapter gives us the chance to discuss these and other issues that aren't as obvious as they might seem.
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Geändert: 27.04.2003 Autor: Markus Egger
Workshop Klassen
Eines der neuen Schlagworte, mit denen sich der nach VISUAL FOXPRO 3.0 aufsteigende Entwickler auseinandersetzen muß, ist das Wort ‘Klassen‘. Dahinter verbirgt sich eine grundlegende Konzeption der objektorientierten Programmierung.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Alf Borrmann