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 Kategorie : MehrSchichtenArchitektur  
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.NET Business Objects
NET for VFP Developers Chapter 08.pdf
Sample Chapter 8 of .NET for VFP Developers: The VFP community has known about the importance of business objects for several years now. They continue to be extremely important in all types of .NET applications including Web Forms, Window Forms, and Web Services. This chapter explains what business objects are, why you should use them, and how to implement them in .NET.
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Geändert: 27.04.2003 Autor: Kevin McNeish
Basic three-tier-application building
V18 Basic three-tier-application building.ppt
You've certainly heard about Three-Tier Applications. But has a car with three tiers ever been a big seller? As far as I know, it hasn't, and the same goes for Multi-Tier Applications. In general they need many more than just three tiers to really bring about the advantages promised. But has a car with 6 or more tiers (also known as a truck) ever been really fast? So someone tells you to be "scalable". This means that different tiers are attached to different cars and they should all roll along together in the same direction. Sounds like a real management and integration problem, doesn't it? (So you need more server hardware, more server operating systems, more software of all kinds, and, uh yes, consultants.) Maybe you have to get rid of some tiers to become fast again. Consider a motorbike! It runs fast on two tiers, and in heavy traffic in the city it curves around all those cars with more tiers. That said, we will build a multi-tiered application and afterwards think about how to get rid of certain tiers in special circumstances.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Rainer Becker
Building Three-Tier Client-Server Business Solutions
Building Three Tier Client Server Business Solutions.doc
Multitier architecture offers a compelling way to develop client-server business solutions. It is technology-neutral and can be implemented on any vendor’s technology that enables standard interfaces for each of the logical levels called “tiers.” With an emphasis on clean interfaces between tiers, the implementation details are hidden from users. The functionality of each tier, called “components,” can be written in many different languages and maintained independently. This capacity allows the developer to use many tools from his or her toolbox to get the job done quickly and correctly. Just as you wouldn’t expect a carpenter to have only a hammer, a developer will not have only a single development tool.
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: G.J. Febish, D.E.Y. Sarna
Business Objekte
Vortrag Business Objekte dFPUG.pdf
Vortrag über "Applikationen mit Zukunft" und der umfangreichen Darstellung des Einsatzes von Geschäftsobjekten in VFP-Anwendungen.
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Geändert: 13.07.2003 Autor: Marcus Alt
Erstellen von COM-Servern mit Visual FoxPro 9.0
rs7 com.ppt
Erstellen von COM-Servern unter Visual FoxPro als unsichtbare oder sichtbare Objekte. Aufruf aus anderen Anwendungen (Excel). Auslieferung und Registrierung.
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Rainer Becker
Geschäftsobjekte mit Visual FoxPro erstellen
04-01 Business Objects.doc
Dieses Thema ist eng mit der Unified Modeling Language (UML) verzahnt. Viele Tech-niken der UML gehen davon aus, dass Sie Geschäftsobjekte modellieren, in denen die Geschäftslogik Ihrer Anwendung enthalten ist.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Kevin McNeish
MSDN WebCast - Teil 09 Erstellen von COM-Servern
Beschreibung: Auch wenn Visual FoxPro optimal für die schnelle Erstellung von schnellen Benutzer-oberflächen für Datenbanken ist, also für die Erstellung klassischer 2-Schichten-Anwendungen, besteht die einfache Möglichkeit, auch COM-Server zu erstellen. Selbige können in einem weiteren Schritt in Webservices umgewandelt werden (siehe Folge-WebCast).
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Rainer Becker
Multi-Tier-Applikationen mit Microsoft Visual FoxPro
Einführung in die Softwarearchitektur, insbesondere der mehrschichtigen Architektur von Anwendungen am Beispiel von Microsoft Visual FoxPro. Grundlagen; Systemkomponenten, Schichten-architekturen, Beispiele lineare Ordnung; Typische Architektur; 3-Tier, Austausch Frontend/Backend, SAM; Bedingungen, Vor- und Nachteile; Vorbedingungen, Vorbereitungen, Vorteile, Nachteile, Nebeneffekte; Vorgehensweise; Anhang
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Rainer Becker
Three-Tiered Development
Advanced Object Oriented Programming with VFP Chapter 09.pdf
Sample Chapter 09 Advanced Object Oriented Programming with VFP: Lately there's been a lot of hype about three-tiered development. The main idea is to split applications into different layers—the interface, the business logic and the data back end. Many people tout three-tiered development as the best thing since sliced bread. While it can't cure world hunger, it definitely helps me a great deal in my development efforts.
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Geändert: 15.05.2004 Autor: Markus Egger
Visual.NET Extension 2.0
11-05-12 Visual.Net Extensions.pdf
Die neue Version 2.0 von VDX, dem .NET-Framework von Devigus Engineering, ist ab sofort verfügbar. Hier die Beschreibung der wesentlichen Features in einem kurzen Flyer.
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Geändert: 20.12.2003 Autor: Arturo Devigus
Working with WebServices
How to create and consume WebServices in Visual FoxPro 7.0 to 9.0. Session at SDN September 2006 in Ede, Netherlands
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Rainer Becker
Workshop Mehrebenenarchitektur mit Visual FoxPro
Booth WS 2001.doc
This seminar of three days will cover the multi-layered application architecture in detail from the conceptual model to an actual implementation using Visual FoxPro on all layers. The seminar will also demonstrate the benefits of the architecture by showing how various layers in the design can be replaced using other tools. Various data access technologies will be demonstrated. Data storage will included Visual FoxPro, SQL Server 2000 and a combination of both.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Jim Booth
Workshop Multi-tier Application Architectural Design
This seminar of three days will cover the multi-layered application architecture in detail from the conceptual model to an actual implementation using Visual FoxPro on all layers. The seminar will also demonstrate the benefits of the architecture by showing how various layers in the design can be replaced using other tools. Various data access technologies will be demonstrated. Data storage will included Visual FoxPro, SQL Server 2000 and a combination of both.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Jim Booth
Workshop N-Tier Architecture
11-08-04 Workshop Three Tier Architecture.doc
N-Tier Architecture in Visual FoxPro
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Jim Booth