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 Kategorie : Flash Creative Management  
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A Brief Overview of the Interface Architecture for COM Codebook
A Brief Overview of the Interface Architecture.doc
One of the primary directives for the design of the interface side of COM Codebook is to make it just as flexible as the previous version of Codebook. The software developer must be able to hook up "business objects" in any conceivable fashion … just like before.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Yair Alan Griver
A Step-By-Step Guide To Creating Searches In VFP Using COMCodebook
Creating Flexible COMCodebooks.doc
The intent of this paper is to walk the developer through the process of creating a VFP search form using the COMCodebook framework. This paper should also familiarize the developer with the mechanics of submitting and retrieving search criteria so they are able to create their own customized search forms.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Michael G. Emmons
An Object Factory
Factory Classes.doc
If you have been using Visual FoxPro for any period of time you are undoubtedly very familiar with the CREATEOBJECT() function. Many developers use this function directly and liberally throughout the source code of their application. In many situations, this is perfectly acceptable; in many other situations this approach is far too inflexible.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Yair Alan Griver
COM Codebook Code Generation Wizards
template language.doc
The Code Generation Wizard is a tool that ships with COM Codebook. This documents describes the template language for this tool.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Rick Hodder
COM Codebook Development Technical Standards and Guidelines
Suggested Development Standards.doc
Method Code Guidelines Every method must: 1.Be commented using the Flash standard. 2. Return an integer using the error codes in the standard header files. 3. Parameters that are passed by reference should be prefaced with an “r” instead of the usual “t” as a visual clue for the developer.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Yair Alan Griver
COMCodebook Ships! - Press Release 2000-10-11
COMCodebook Ships.doc
FLASH CREATIVE MANAGEMENT RELEASES COMCODEBOOK – FREE PROFESSIONAL SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK OFFERS .NET ADVANTAGES TODAY Hackensack, NJ (October 11, 2000) – Flash Creative Management, Inc., creator of the Codebook series of professional software development frameworks, today released COMCodebook on the Internet for free download at
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Yair Alan Griver
COMCodebook White Papers Overview
This help file is a compiled index of the COMCodebook Windows DNA/.NET Development White Papers. For more information on COMCodebook, Flash Creative, and for any updates, check
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Yair Alan Griver
COMCodebook: Moving Towards .NET
COMCodebook Vision.doc
The world is moving towards distributed systems that interact through the passing of disconnected data from one component to another. These systems must be scalable, easily configured, and must be able to rapidly adjust to business changes. Flash Creative Management’s COMCodebook provides such a framework in a .NET like manner.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Yair Alan Griver
Communicating Between the UI and Middle-Tier in COMCodebook
Interface between UI and Middle Tier.doc
When developing an application that reads from and writes to relational databases, the question of where the hierarchical relationship between tables that form a resource should be managed. It is possible to create various resources that provide different levels of hierarchy, and have the front-end application call whichever resource is appropriate.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Yair Alan Griver
Creating Flexible Searches in COMCodebook Datasources
Creating Flexible Searches.doc
To get the data from the data sources in COMCodebook we define interfaces to the business entities based on the methods of resource retrieval. These public methods are called our "Get()" methods (or interfaces).
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Beth Massi
Creating One-To-Many Forms A Step-By-Step Guide To Creating Searches In VFP Using COMCodebook
Creating One-To-Many Forms.doc
COMCodebook provides a straightforward way of creating parent-child relationships between resources. This white paper will discuss how to set up these relationships and create one-to-many forms with them. The example used herein can be found in the TimeTrac application.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Michael G. Emmons
Creating Parameter Objects: The Basics
Creating Parameter Objects.doc
Parameter objects are simply a construct that allows you to pass multiple parameters into a method call using one object to do it. This approach simplifies the method’s signature by reducing the number of parameters passed into the method from an itemized list to only one.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Yair Alan Griver
Creating Reusable Objects
Creating Reusable Objects.doc
Visual FoxPro presents us with a radically new way of looking at building applications. With the addition of object orientation to the product, FoxPro has matured into a development language that allows us to build arsenals of classes to speed us along the road to building bullet-proof applications quicker than we ever thought possible.
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Menachem Bazian
Developing Windows DNA Applications Using COMCodebook
Developing Apps with COMCodebook.doc
This document is meant to give you a detailed look of what pieces make up a DNA application written in COMCodebook as well as guide you through the process of creating a simple browser-based application from start to finish. COMCodebook is a middle-tier framework written in Visual FoxPro 6 developed by Flash Creative Management, Inc.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Beth Massi
Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming
Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming.doc
Microsoft® Visual FoxPro™ presents us with a radically new way of looking at building applications. With the addition of object orientation to the product, Microsoft FoxPro® has matured into a development language that allows us to build arsenals of classes to speed us along the road to building bullet-proof applications quicker than we ever thought possible.
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Menachem Bazian
GoWeb Styleguide
As wireless Internet access rapidly increases in popularity, the need grows for Web content that functions well on wireless devices, but is still compelling. With Go.Web, you can accomplish both. This guide will explain some of the parameters for developing HTML, HDML or WML pages for wireless devices.
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Geändert: 23.09.2003 Autor: Yair Alan Griver
Multi-User Programming Issues in Visual FoxPro 3.0
Multiuser programming.doc
Visual FoxPro provides a wealth of new capabilities when it comes to handling multi-user contention issues. Let’s take a look at some of the basic approaches used to handle locking in the past, and then discuss what the new capabilities are and how they can b
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Yair Alan Griver
Orientation to Projects and Files
COMCodebook Installation.doc
Previously, Codebook applications consisted of one project file. This means that the old Codebook, even though it was logically 3 tier, was physically a 2 tier application. The .EXE resided on a client workstation and the database files resided on a commonly accessible file server.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Yair Alan Griver
Provide Scalability and Availability to your COM Applications
Component Load Balancing.doc
Building applications is a difficult process. Building applications that scale to 10 thousand users hitting a web site is extremely difficult. Adding into the equation that the application has to run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week is a daunting task, yet as web developers building application in VB you face these challenges everyday.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Matthew Arnheiter
The Resouce Manager Controller and Transaction Management in COMCodebook
The Ressource Manager.doc
The Resource Manager Controller (RMC) in COMCodebook provides the key service of managing MTS Transactions that cross multiple components. This document will discuss the purpose and implementation of the RMC and its place in a distributed system. We will then continue with a description of the different classes used in a VFP front-end. And we’ll finish with a walk-through that describes what occurs during a save.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Yair Alan Griver
The Visual FoxPro Object Model
The Visual FoxPro Object Model.doc
The Visual Foxpro object model is based on a strong foundation of object-oriented principles. User defined classes, protected class members, inheritance, - everything you would expect to find in a robust object model.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Yair Alan Griver
The Visual FoxPro Object Model
The Visual FoxPro Object Model.doc
The Visual Foxpro object model is based on a strong foundation of object-oriented principles. User defined classes, protected class members, inheritance, - everything you would expect to find in a robust object model. The model includes a set of built-in classes that you use as a basis for creating your own classes. These built-in classes are called base classes.
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Yair Alan Griver
Turn Classes into OLE Automation Servers
Turn Classes into OLE Automation Servers.doc
One of the new features in Visual FoxPro 5.0 is the capability of turning your classes into OLE Automation servers. This article reviews the basic issues involved in creating these automation servers, and looks at why you might want to design your applications to take advantage of this new capability.
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Yair Alan Griver
Validating Data In COMCodebook
Validating Data.doc
COMCodebook provides a data validation mechanism that is flexible, fast and easy to implement. Validation can be created on the field row and record set level. Since validation is provided as a separate service, it allows data validation to occur on any tier of the application that it is needed.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Michael G. Emmons
Visual FoxPro and Client/Server Development
Visual FoxPro and Client Server Development.doc
With the release of Visual FoxPro™, Microsoft® has moved FoxPro® into the forefront of client/server front ends. Visual FoxPro includes numerous ways of accessing back-end information, and in concert with its very fast local database engine and data dictionary, it provides one of the best options for serious client/server development. This article will review the capabilities built into Visual FoxPro, touching on when each capability may be used.
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Geändert: 13.03.2022 Autor: Yair Alan Griver
Windows DNA and the Front End
Windows DNA and the Front End.doc
A Windows DNA application is divided into three basic tiers: the User Interface tier, the Business tier, and the Data Tier. This white paper discusses the User Interface tier, and reviews the purpose of the tier, requirements in a DNA-based application, and some of the design decisions made when creating the User Interface.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Yair Alan Griver
Windows DNA Development – A Pattern Language
A Pattern Language for Windows DNA Development.doc
When creating a Windows DNA application, it is not enough to start creating COM objects and run them under MTS, what is needed is a standard approach to analyzing DNA applications. This white paper provides a pattern language for COM objects. The purpose of this pattern language is to standardize discussion of types of components so that the design of these applications becomes more standardized.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Yair Alan Griver
Windows DNA Development – The Data Tier
The DATA Tier in Windows DNA Development.doc
A Windows DNA application is divided into three basic tiers: the User Interface tier, the Business tier, and the Data Tier. This white paper discusses the data tier, and reviews the purpose of the tier, requirements in a DNA-based application, and some of the design decisions made when creating the data tier.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Yair Alan Griver
Windows DNA Development – Tools Overview
Core Products Used in Developping a DNA App.doc
This article discusses the various tools and technologies used in developing a distributed application according to Microsoft’s Windows Distributed interNet Application development approach. In general, Windows DNA merges a number of tools and Windows NT operating system services to provide for an efficient, scalable and modifiable approach to the problems of distributed object development.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Yair Alan Griver