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Personalia Whil Hentzen
11-03-09 Personalia Whil Hentzen.doc
Whil Hentzen ist Präsident der Hentzenwerke Corporation, einer vor 18 Jahren in Milwaukee gegründeten Firma, die sich auf die Entwicklung von strategischen Datenbank-Anwendungen für Firmen aus der Fortune 2000 Liste in den Bereichen Herstellung, Finanzwesen und Gesundheitsfürsorge spezialisiert hat.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Beschreibungen ausblenden Objekte: 54
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Accessing Windows Shares from a Linux Workstation
A logical first step for new Linux users is, after building a Linux workstation, to want to connect it to their existing Windows network. This document describes how to connect to shares on a Windows computer from a Linux workstation.
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Geändert: 04.03.2004 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Adding HTML Help to Your Applications
Fundamentals Building Visual Studio Apps on a VFP Foundation Chapter 25.pdf
Sample Chapter 25 of Fundamentals Building Visual Studio Apps on a VFP Foundation: Online help has become pretty much a given these days. The previous version of Windows Help, WinHelp, was tough to implement and not that useful. The new version, HTML Help, is wonderful. In this chapter, I’ll show you how to use HTML Help Workshop and how to incorporate an HTML Help file with your application.
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Geändert: 27.04.2003 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Berechnen von Zeit und Kosten für ein Softwareprojekt
09-07 Berechen von Zeit und Kosten für ein Softwareprojekt.doc
Von den Fragen, die sich bei der Entwicklung von Software immer wieder stellen, ist die Schätzung von Zeit und Kosten für die Entwicklung wohl diejenige, die sich am hartnäckigsten stellt.
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Geändert: 18.07.2005 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Bücher zu Microsoft Visual FoxPro
11-02-04 Beschreibungen Hentzenwerke OK.doc
Übersicht über die Bücher von Hentzenwerke
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Mathias Gronau, Rainer Becker, Whil Hentzen
Changing the Mouse Resolution
I don't have much room on my desk. Between a couple of system units , two 21 " monitors, a couple of Microsoft Natural keyboards, a couple of mice, a lamp, and even a piece of paper or two, it's crowded here.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Configuring Your Desktop
So you’ve installed Fedora Core, you’ve logged in, and you’re facing a GUI desktop. What next? You’ve got two choices. Either leave it alone and just learn how to use what’s in front of you, or customize it—make it bend to your will. Hey, I know! Let’s do both! In this chapter, I’ll explain how to use the desktop “out of the box,” and then I’ll show you how to customize it by showing you how I customize my own desktop.
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Geändert: 23.05.2004 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Connecting to a Windows NT Server Automatically
Do you really want to enter that long 'mount' command manually every time you turn your computer on? I didn't think so. Here's how to configure Linux to automatically mount remote filesystems and make them available all the time. This HOWTO assumes that you've already read "Connecting to a Windows NT Server Manually".
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Connecting to a Windows NT Server Manually
It's an interop world. We need to connect Windows and Linux machines. Here's how to access directories and files on a Windows NT server from a Linux workstation. As you start to work with Linux, you'll find that you need to be able to access files on a Windows network from a Linux workstation. You don't need to do anything complicated – perhaps just open files.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Cron Explained
You can't get far in the Linux world without hearing the words, "Oh, just set up a cronjob to do that for you!" Cron? Cronjob? Sounds uncomfortable, maybe even a bit nasty. This whitepaper describes what cron is and how to use it. It describes what cron, cronjobs and crontabs are, how cron works, how to edit crontabs and how to set up cronjobs, and how to work with cron output via email and log files.
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Geändert: 04.08.2004 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Customizing Your Development Environment
Fundamentals Building Visual Studio Apps on a VFP Foundation Chapter 16.pdf
Sample Chapter 15 of Fundamentals Building Visual Studio Apps on a VFP Foundation: It never ceases to amaze me to walk into a development shop and see how the developers work. The most mind-numbing experience is to watch a developer start up Visual FoxPro, and then issue three or four attempts of the “CD <current app dev directory>” command as his first step—because VFP’s default location is still set somewhere deep in the bowels of Program Files. Think of all the time you spend building applications to make other people more productive. Doesn’t it make sense to tune your own work environment? In this chapter, I’ll show you a number of techniques that you can use to make your daily work easier and more bug-proof.
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Geändert: 27.04.2003 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Deciding on a Distribution: How and Why I Chose RedHat
I began working with Linux seriously around the middle of summer of 2002 - Fourth of July week to be exact. My plan at the time was to install a number of distributions and evaluate each of them from the point of view of a Windows developer learning Linux. I was prepared for a lot of hard work, learning a lot, running into roadblocks, and generally getting my hands really dirty 'under the hood'.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Whil Hentzen
DevGuide: Bug Reporting and Application Feedback
Sample Chapter 24 of DevGuide 3: As I’ve mentioned before, as much fun as software development is, it’s still encapsulated in the object of a business, and a good business wants to get feedback from its customers. Here’s how to get feedback—all sorts of feedback—from the users of your application.
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Geändert: 27.04.2003 Autor: Whil Hentzen
DevGuide: The Sales Call
Sample Chapter 11 of Developers Guide 3: In one of his early comedy albums, Bill Cosby hypothesized that graduation from a karate class was not the ultimate goal of taking such a class. Rather, he said, “Eventually, you want to get attacked.” In a similar vein, while the goal of marketing is initially to get phone calls, ultimately, it’s to make a sales call. More so than the phone call, an in-person visit is your best chance to set expectations while at the same time determining whether you want the job. This chapter covers the in-person sales call in detail.
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Geändert: 27.04.2003 Autor: Whil Hentzen
DevGuide: Types of Processes
Sample Chapter 3 of Developers Guide 3: Just as the earlier editions of this book were targeted at a specific group of developers, they were also targeted at a specific type of process—the so-called waterfall method. But not all development fits into this one method, any more than all developers are the same or all development is the same. In this chapter, I’ll discuss what your options are for developing a custom software application.
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Geändert: 27.04.2003 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Fedora Core 3 Installation & Customization
Ever want to look over someone else's shoulder to see how they set up their desktop machine for day to day use? In this whitepaper, I'll discuss the installation of Fedora Core 3 on a ThinkPad T30. Then I'll configure it to connect to a Linux file server, and customize it as my primary day-to-day desktop machine for email, browsing, and office work.
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Geändert: 27.01.2005 Autor: Whil Hentzen
From GUI to Text: A Windows User's Guide to Running Linux without a GUI
Most folks who are moving to Linux from Windows use distributions that by default have Linux start up with the GUI. All fine and good, but one side effect is that they often get stymied when they need to boot Linux to a text-based interface. This document describes how to perform a number of basic tasks in Linux, using only the text-based interface.
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Geändert: 04.08.2004 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Get Involved. Or Get Dead.
OK, all of you who want to see the Fox market shrink, raise your hands. No, you readers from Microsoft don't get to play this game. Now, all of you who want to see the market grow - raise your hands. Com'on, take your hands off the keyboard for one moment.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Whil Hentzen
How Viruses, Worms, and Trojans Work
In order to deal with viruses, worms and trojans, you have to understand them. This chapter gives you the background you need. First, I defines viruses and other types of malevolent software such as worms and trojans. Then I provide a brief history of their evolution in order to give you some perspective. In doing so, I describe how they work. Finally, I discuss where they are likely headed in the near future.
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Geändert: 04.03.2004 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Installing Fedora Core Linux
In mid 2003, Red Hat spun off their mainstream Red Hat distribution into a true Open Source project called "Fedora Core". FC, as it's known, differs from Red Hat Linux in a couple of specific ways ­first, you can only get it by downloading ISOs (or getting them from a friend), and second, it'll be updated on a regular basis, but strictly through Open Source means. Some have taken these changes to mean that FC will be unstable or otherwise unworthy of attention anymore, and thus have been reluctant to give it a try. That's not really fair ­most people think that FC is on a par with where "Red Hat 10" would have been at this time. Some people may not be convinced, so to give those doubting Thomas's in the audience a preview of what FC looks like, I use a liberal number of screen shots as well as detailed supporting explanations to show you how to install Fedora Core from scratch for desktop usage.
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Geändert: 04.03.2004 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Installing Multiple Linux Distributions
There are lots of places that tell you the general ideas on setting up a multiple boot, usually with Windows as being one of the OSs. But what is the philosophy behind it? What about some of the war stories? How many partitions? What boot partitions? While the doc says " you can", what are the ramifications of doing so? How do you set up multiple Linux installations? What are the step by step instructions? Here they are.
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Geändert: 04.03.2004 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Installing MySQL from RPMs
Installing MySQL on Linux is a reasonably straightforward procedure, and the documentation is excellent - organized, detailed, and with a lot of examples. However, there are still a lot of variations that you can encounter, and, as with any documentation team, there are still places where they have to assume a minimal level of knowledge, and if you're missing that knowledge, the procedure can still be difficult. The purpose of this document is to provide a supplement to the online documentation, with a detailed description of how to install MySQL from RPMs onto a Linux machine from the perspective of an experienced Windows programmer who is relatively new to Linux, and to provide background and perspective behind the steps.
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Geändert: 04.08.2004 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Installing New Hardware - The Flat Panel Monitor Test
I changed monitors today. I had installed RH8 on an old machine with an even older monitor, just to get things going. Once I started working with the box, I realized just how bad the monitor was, and that it was time to upgrade the monitor. After all, I had worked hard this year - wasn't it about time?
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Installing on a Windows PC
I've installed OOo on four Windows machines; three W2K Pro WS and a Win XP Pro, and uninstalled it a couple of times too. All of these boxes belong to a LAN run by an NT4 PDC. I've figured out some additional pieces of information that I think would be useful for the installation doc.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Installing True Type Fonts on Linux
Linux fonts are... a work in progress. That's a nice way of saying that they've got a ways to go to meet True Type fonts. However, all is not lost ­there are a lot of fonts available ­some for free and some for hire. However you obtain them, once you have them in hand, you still have to install the fonts on your Linux machine. Here's how.
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Geändert: 04.03.2004 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Linux Network Printing with JetDirect
Hewlett Packard's JetDirect print server allows you to make a printer available to an entire network simply by plugging an Ethernet cable into the JetDirect device which then connects to the printer. All that's left is a little configuration. Or so the marketing literature says. It's a little more complicated than that in the real world, where you have to know all of the steps, and follow them in order. That said, once the entire process is laid out line by line, hooking up a JetDirect print server is fairly straightforward.
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Geändert: 02.05.2004 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Linux Partitions
Partitions are like politics ­- everyone has an opinion. While you can accept the default configuration that the popular distributions give you, you will probably find that sooner or later, you wished you'd made better choices. Here's the lowdown on partitions, how they work with Linux (compared to Windows), some examples of how you might want to set yours up ­and why.
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Geändert: 04.03.2004 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Linux Transfer for Power Users
Linux Transfer for Power Users.doc
Major Linux distributions such as Red Hat, Mandrake and SuSE, among others, have released mature, full-featured versions suitable for day to day use on an average computer user's day to day computer, including not only a complete operating system but also a Microsoft Office-compatible application suite and a plethora of additional tools available for free download
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Whil Hentzen
MySQL Client-Server Applications with Visual FoxPro
11-02-46 MySQL Client-Server Applications with Visual FoxPro.pdf
Dieses Buch ist das einzige, das Ihnen speziell zeigt, wie Sie MySQL und VFP installieren, konfigurieren und miteinander verbinden, sowie das Erstellen einer Vielzahl von Client-/Server-Benutzeroberflächen mit VFP. Zusammen mit Dutzenden Betrachtungen von Problemen der realen Welt sowie potentiellen Lösungen werden Sie keine bessere Anleitung für die Client-/Server-Entwicklung mit MySQL und VFP finden.
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Geändert: 19.09.2007 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Observations on Traveling with Linux
Going on the road, however, is different. Could I function on the road, away from the office for anywhere from overnight to a whole week, without a Windows machine? I had two choices. As the primary reason for many of these trips was to demonstrate Linux to Windows developers, I needed to bring my Linux machine with me. The choice was whether I brought my Windows notebook with me as well.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Playing Audio Files on Red Hat 8.0
So once I was able to connect to my file server, the next step was to be able to play all of the MP3s I had stored on my server. I'd spent months ripping the hundreds of CDs I'd painstakening collected over the past 15 years (well, actually, one of my kids spent months - I just told her what to do) and I didn't want to loose the fruits of my labors.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Remote Access Via SSH
SSH is one of those typical “Linux mysteries” for the uninitiated. SSH provides a secure mechanism to connect to another machine over a network. This allows you to control a remote computer (such as through the command window) over the Internet without exposing your connection to other people. Here's what SSH does, why you'd use it, how it works and, most importantly, how to use it.
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Geändert: 08.10.2004 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Rezension Legacy Applications
11-02-24 Rezension Legacy Applications.pdf
Unter dem wahnsinnig langen Titel "Painless Legacy FoxPro Applications on Modern Networks" veröffentlicht Hentzenwerke einen weiteren Buchtitel, wenn auch nur als PDF, mit einer detaillierten Anleitung, wie man alte FoxPro-Anwendungen in einer modernen Umgebung zum Laufen bekommt bzw. weiter am Laufen hält.
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Geändert: 21.02.2004 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Rezension The Software Developer’s Guide, Third Edition
11-02-11 Rezension The Software Developer Guide.doc
Es gibt viele Bücher, die Sie in die Anwendungsentwicklung in einer bestimmten Sprache einweisen. In diesen Büchern erfahren Sie vieles über die Haken und Ösen der Syntax und über den Gebrauch der Werkzeuge für die Anwendungserstellung. Dabei werden auch die neuesten Features und Funktionalitäten behandelt. Außerdem gibt es einige Bücher die Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie zu einem „Computer-Berater“ werden. Aber es gibt eine Vielzahl von speziellen Themen rund um die Erstellung und die Wartung von Individualsoftware. Dies ist das einzige Buch, das Sie Schritt für Schritt durch den gesamten Prozess führt. Dieses Buch mit über 150 Seiten neuen Materials zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie „die anderen 90 %“ der Arbeit erledigen, die bei der Erstellung einer individuellen Softwarelösung anfallen.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Rezension WebRAD
11-02-14 Rezension WebRAD.doc
Web Connection ist ein unglaubliches Produkt, dass es Ihnen ermöglicht, schnelle und funktionsreiche Websites mit Datenanbindung in Ihrer Lieblingssprache Visual FoxPro zu erstellen. Mehr als ein Entwickler hat aber schon festgestellt, dass dies schwierig zu erlernen ist. Diese Buch ist Ihr persönlicher Tutor, der Sie durch die Tücken des Internet und des World Wide Web führt und Ihnen Schritt für Schritt zeigt, wie Sie Ihre erste auf VFP basierende Webanwendung erstellen und ihr anschließend Features hinzufügen. Zusätzlich verbessern Sie Ihre Produktivität, indem Sie die in Web Connection enthaltenen Klassen ausreizen. Dieses Buch ist ein Muss für jeden Entwickler, der mit Web Connection arbeitet.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: HChattaway, RPearson, WHentzen
Setting Up Virtual Hosts in Apache (A Tutorial for Windows Web Admins)
One common need of Web site administrators is to host multiple Web sites on the same physical machine. This functionality is called 'virtual hosting'. This document explains how to set up virtual hosting with the Apache Web server running on Fedora Core 2, using a similar setup on Microsoft's Internet Information Server as a reference point.
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Geändert: 08.10.2004 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Ten Minute Guide to Setting Up a Linux File Server
One of the common requirements in a Linux-based network is to include Linux workstations. There are a multitude of ways to do so; if this network also includes Windows workstations that are connecting to the Linux file server, you're likely already using Samba. This document describes how to have a Linux workstation access data on a Linux file server via Samba. Here's a quick tutorial to the essential steps involved in setting up a Linux File Server and having Linux workstations connect to it, using Fedora Core as an example.
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Geändert: 08.10.2004 Autor: Whil Hentzen
The Ten Minute Guide to Setting Up a Linux Web Server
Here's a quick tutorial to the essential steps involved in setting up a Linux Web Server, using Fedora Core as an example. No explanation for any of the steps is provided; just the basic 'to do' list to install, configure and secure your Web server. For background and explanation, see the various whitepapers and Linux Transfer books found on
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Geändert: 04.08.2004 Autor: Whil Hentzen
The Top Ten Command Window Tips
Power users can go a long way just using the graphical user interface (GUI) running on top of Linux. You can use the GUI for just about everything, from making changes to the system configuration to launching programs. However, the GUI is a fairly recent addition to the Linux world. Many hard-core and experienced users never use the GUI, and there are uses for Linux for which a GUI would be out of place. This GUI-less world sports an interface that can be entered by using a tool similar to the Windows command window or DOS prompt. In this whitepaper, I will discuss how to get under the hood by using the Linux command window.
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Geändert: 04.08.2004 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Updating Fedora Core
Unless you're installing a brand new version of a piece of software, there are bound to be updates available for it, and Fedora Core is no exception. Updating your system with the latest patches, bug fixes, and security updates will keep your system running as smoothly and problem-free as possible. Fedora Core being Linux, there's not just one way to update your system. In this chapter, I'll explain how the Fedora Core basic update process works and how to use the various mechanisms available to you.
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Geändert: 02.05.2004 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Using VFP’s Object-Oriented Tools
Fundamentals Building Visual Studio Apps on a VFP Foundation Chapter 10.pdf
Sample Chapter 10 Fundamentals Building Visual Studio Apps on a VFP Foundation: Next to SQL, the most wonderful feature of Visual FoxPro is its implementation of object-oriented programming. To skip this chapter would be one of the biggest mistakes of your programming life. In this chapter I’m going to show you what object-oriented programming is, with examples that will make sense to you, a database programmer; how VFP’s object-oriented tools work; and how to incorporate them into the forms that you’ve already learned how to build. Finally, I’ll set you up with your own set of baseclasses that you can use to start building real-world applications—today.
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Geändert: 27.04.2003 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Using VMWare to Capture Linux Installation Screen Shots
How do you capture screen shots of an operating system installation? There are a couple of ways. One is to take digital photographs of the screen. Blech. Another way is to install a piece of software called VMWare on an existing OS. Then, use VMWare to create a shell in which the OS in question can be installed ­and then use the screen capture facilities of the existing OS to grab the screens of the OS being installed. Here's a detailed explanation of how this works.
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Geändert: 04.03.2004 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Visual FoxPro, Linux and the Jack of Hearts
A lot of hubbub has been raised over the "Visual FoxPro running on Linux" issue over the last few weeks. Much of the hubbub has been based on incomplete or inaccurate information. Here's the detailed chronology, including links to specific items, so that you've got all of the facts.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Visual FoxPro, Linux and the Jack of Hearts 2
On April 27 at the Essential Fox conference in Kansas City, Ken gave me a business card with a URL that pointed to Microsoft's answer to my email. The URL pointed to a hidden web page on Microsoft's GotDotNet website. The response was this...
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Warum ich zu Linux wechsle
Warum Linux.doc
Den gegenwärtigen Zustand zu verändern erfordert Mühe. Und niemand wird sich ohne guten Grund anstrengen. Das Betriebssystem zu wechseln ist ein Kraftakt. Aus welchem Grund sollte man einen solchen Aufwand betreiben? Übersetzung von Why I am moving to Linux von Whil Hentzen.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Whil Hentzen
WebConnect: Extending the Framework
WebRAD Building Database Apps on the Web with Web Connection Chapter 16.pdf
Sample Chapter 16 of WebRAD Building Database Apps on the Web with Web Connection: How to extend the framework. Once you have become comfortable with the basics, it is time again for new challenges. Extending the Web Connection framework classes and creating some of your own classes can significantly improve both your productivity and the quality of your applications.
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Geändert: 27.04.2003 Autor: Chattaway, Pearson, Hentzen
WebConnect: How a Web Page Works
WebRAD Building Database Apps on the Web with Web Connection Chapter 09.pdf
Sample Chapter 9 of WebRAD Building Database Apps on the Web with Web Connection: The language used on a Web page is HyperText Markup Language, or HTML. Hypertext is the part of the Web that allows for the linking together of Web content through the use of clickable “hyperlinks.” The markup language defines the document form. Remember back in grade school getting an essay back, “marked up” with symbols stating that an item should be capitalized, or a new paragraph should begin here? Well, that is pretty much what HTML does for a Web page. In this chapter I will cover what makes up a well formed Web page, what the different sections are, how to use JavaScript for form validations, and how Web Connection can process a page that contains embedded expressions.
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Geändert: 28.08.2008 Autor: Chattaway, Pearson, Hentzen
What is an Installfest?
An installfest is a special type of LUG meeting where people bring computers to the meeting and get help installing, updating, or tweaking their Linux installation. However, this is sort of a superficial explanation. While on the surface it appears to just be an event where experienced Linux users help newer folks get Linux running, underneath an Installfest is a community building event.
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Geändert: 04.03.2004 Autor: Whil Hentzen
What You Might See During Your First Red Hat Install
Red Hat 8.0 comes on 5 CDs, but disks four and five have source code, so you only need the first three if this is your first time out.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Whil Hentzen
When X Dies: How to Kill and Restart X Windows
A GUI is a complex piece of software; combined with the event driven capabilities, you may run into the situation where your GUI locks up on you. Unlike Windows, the Linux GUI isn't tightly bound into the underlying OS; instead, it's a set of separate programs running on top of the OS. As a result, however, you're not forced to restart your machine due to problems with the GUI itself. This whitepaper discusses the options you've got available to you to recover a failed X Windows session.
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Geändert: 27.01.2005 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Where is the Setup Wizard and Other Annoying InstallShield Questions
FoxTalk InstallShield.doc
You can divide people into two groups, so the saying goes. One group is made up of people who divide people into two groups, and the other group is made up of people who do not. Similarly, developers can be divided into two camps—those who wonder what happened to the Visual FoxPro Setup Wizard, and those who don't. In this article, Whil Hentzen describes how to deploy Visual FoxPro 7.0 / 8.0 applications - as well as how to solve some of the problems that can crop up during the process.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Why an 8-time Microsoft MVP and Lifetime Achievement Award Winner is Learning Linux
My name is Whil Hentzen. I've been developing custom database applications since the early IBM PC days, starting with dBASE II. I delighted in the capabilties that a relational desktop database program could provide, delighted further when dBASE III+ fixed all the bugs in dBASE III, and agonized during the introduction of dBASE IV, its 28 lbs of documentation, and more performance problems than the Chevy Corvair and the Ford Edsel combined.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Why Do Error Messages Stink?
Why Do Error Messages Stink.doc
Because you let them, that's why. No, I'm not being a smart aleck. Someone recently suggested that every software manufacturer hold off on adding any new features to the next release of each product they produce, and simply spend the year fixing bugs. Novel idea, eh? Why do they continue to release version after version of software with new features - and the same bugs as the release from last time? Because we let them.
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Why I'm Moving to Linux
I've been building custom software apps on Microsoft platforms since the mid-80's. I was a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) from the mid 90's until last year, a Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) during the late 90's, and received the first Microsoft Visual FoxPro Lifetime Achievement Award in October of 2002. So why am I moving to Linux?
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Whil Hentzen
Why Linux? Reasons and Benchmarks to Measure
Changing the status quo requires effort. And people aren't going to expend effort without a good reason. Changing operating systems is a change, and requires a huge effort. What kind of reasons would prompt such a huge effort?
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Geändert: 30.11.2020 Autor: Whil Hentzen